jackass 2.5
Hahaha, dom här människorna är ju inte riktigt friska alltså! men så sjukt härliga! ;D
Alligators pisses me of, and then there's fucking barbwire above it, that sucks!
Then we're going in this tiny little hole with pigs that are gonna shit and piss, that sucks!
Then we go through that which is.. eh we're gonna get hit by paintballs by professional
paintballers, that sucks.
BAM! <3
Hahahaha, ae jag älskar fan de här filmerna! äckligt som satan, och man vill bara
spy ibland! men annars kan jag sitta och garva i timmar åt dem ;D hahhaha
Alligators pisses me of, and then there's fucking barbwire above it, that sucks!
Then we're going in this tiny little hole with pigs that are gonna shit and piss, that sucks!
Then we go through that which is.. eh we're gonna get hit by paintballs by professional
paintballers, that sucks.
BAM! <3
Hahahaha, ae jag älskar fan de här filmerna! äckligt som satan, och man vill bara
spy ibland! men annars kan jag sitta och garva i timmar åt dem ;D hahhaha